RD, Blogger and Entrepeneur!


Funny story about the next wonderful RD I asked to interview…she was THE first intern I connected with after being matched with my dietetic internship. Even before the internship started, Haley and I were chatting about one of our many common interests, food! She had a blog of her own and we bonded over the victories and trials of creating and maintaining our food and nutrition focused websites.

Now let me give you a little background on Haley and why she is featured this month on B.Flavorful. Haley Goodrich is a Pittsburgh based Registered Dietitian who graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Science and completed the Didactics Program in Dietetics from Texas A&M University. She currently works as a Clinical Dietitian with Excela Health at Westmoreland Hospital. She is also the founder and owner of INSPIRD Nutrition Consulting, LLC. Her private practice promotes a “diet free” mentality and an intuitive eating approach in a one-on-one nutrition counseling setting. She resides in Pittsburgh, PA with her husband, 3 dogs and 2 cats.  She enjoys exploring the culinary world and wine tasting.

Haley is a great example of a well-rounded dietitian working hard to make a lasting impact in her community.

BC: So I know you attended Texas A&M on 2 separate occasions…tell me how that worked?
HG: My first major was biomedical science and then I went back for two years to complete the required courses in dietetics to pursue my RD.

BC: What made you go back?
HG: I was at a place in my life where I was trying to figure out exactly who I was. I knew that I liked to talk to people about their health in a way that would benefit and/or help them. I also started running which made me look at nutrition in my personal life. Because of my love of cooking and food I started my food blog around this same time…so the running, cooking and health care all sort of tied in together. It was a perfect trifecta to push me into the field of dietetics.

BC: Where did you complete your dietetic internship?
HG: Adagio Health in Pittsburgh

BC: What is the biggest hurdle you had to overcome during your internship year?
HG: This was a tough year for me. Within weeks of starting my internship, I got married, moved across the country and was starting a new life with my husband. This would be a lot for anyone, but handling stress has always been a weakness of mine. I learned to keep a positive attitude and not let the stress take over my life. After all I was experiencing so many exciting things and getting to meet so many awesome people. Overall I would say it was a whirlwind of emotions; the most exciting but hardest year of my life.

BC: What’s one piece of advice you’d give to future dietetic students?
HG: On the very first day, get everything as organized as possible! Buy a calendar or planner and write everything down.
Also, don’t expect to be a perfectionist. It’s hard work but all of the tasks and assignments are for your benefit so just worry about getting the most out of it. We have the stereotypical type A personality so definitely try to roll with the punches. It will be okay and you will grow from it.

BC: What is your favorite life hack (s)?
HG: I just learned last week that you could use a vegetable peeler to slice potato chips, instead of a mandolin and risking cutting yourself. The peeler makes really thin slices, which translate into the crunchiest chips!

BC: If you were stuck on a desert island and could only have one magazine, one food item and one board game delivered…what would they be?
HG: The magazine would have to be Real Simple because it covers the essentials: food, fashion and good life tips.
Can banangram be a board game?
Food item…This is the hardest because I like everything. I’m not going to pick fruit or fish because it’s a tropical island so that’s already available. I would have to say a slice of pizza.

BC: Name your favorite restaurant or bakery OR both!
HG: My favorite restaurant currently would have to be, Silk Elephant in Squirrel Hill. It features Thai tapas and a wine bar. Their curry is amaaaazing!

BC: Which wine do you typically order there?
HG: Cabernet sauvignon, definitely.

BC: What is your favorite vegetable?
HG: Avocado because it is so versatile. Most importantly it is delicious and reminds me of growing up in Texas.

BC: What is your favorite fruit?
HG: Clementines because they are the perfect size to snack on! I like them best for an afternoon snack or mid-long run as fuel.

BC: What are you training for right now?
HG: The Pittsburgh Marathon. This will be my first full marathon and something I have always dreamed of accomplishing. It’s a truly life changing experience.

BC: What are your plans for the post-race celebration?
HG: Food immediately… and wearing that medal proudly while celebrating with friends and family! It will be a good day.

BC: Chocolate or vanilla?
HG: Chocolate…100%

BC: Olive oil or butter?
HG: Olive oil. It is one of my pantry essentials. Almost every meal I cook starts with olive oil.

BC: Do you have any guilty pleasures?
HG: I would say chocolate definitely and probably shopping of any kind.

BC: If you were a food, what would you be and why?
HG: Oh man, can I be a beverage? Coffee because it’s warm and it’s the first thing people look forward to in the morning. Great conversation often starts with a good cup of coffee.

BC: What made you go into the field of nutrition?
HG: So much revolves around food. We all have to eat food to live and it also determines how healthy and happy we are. I couldn’t think of a better job than helping people achieve optimal health through food.

BC: Who (or what) inspires you within the field of food and nutrition?
HG: If I had to pick a person right now, I’d say Edith Nault (your previous interviewee). As a good friend and fellow RD, it is inspiring to watch her balance all that she does and work toward achieving her dreams. She never once questions if she can do it, she goes full speed ahead and always has a smile on her face. That’s impressive to me.
I would also say any successful entrepreneur in the nutrition world is inspiring to me.

BC: What is the best advice you’ve received in life?
HG: Take a deep breath and take it one step at a time.

BC: What is the best advice you’ve given in life?
HG: Not to compare yourself to others and not to worry about what someone else is doing. You don’t know what is going on in their life or what they have been through. Just worry about the goals you want to achieve for yourself.

BC: What is your favorite workout(s)?
HG: A long run, because I just like to run. I would also say working on total body strength with the stability ball…I like to balance the two. It is important to be strong.

BC: Which fitness brands do you love to wear when you work out?
HG: Shoes are the most important. I love Asics. As far as workout clothes, it just has to be comfortable!

BC: If I looked into your closet, how many running outfits would I find?
HG: Probably only about 4 or 5 that are my favorite. I wash them frequently…you don’t want to let those pile up.

BC: Is there anything or anyone in life that makes you “geek out”?
HG: Oh yes, I would be ecstatic to meet anyone from the Food Network Channel, especially Alton, Amanda Freitag, Alex Guarnaschelli and Gordon. I also love Olivia Benson (Law and Order SVU).

BC: What are the top 3 ways you relax?
HG: Glass of wine, the couch with my favorite sweatpants, surrounded by my cats and dogs (2 cats- Nala and Maddyn and 3 dogs – Hobbes, Olivia, Dash).

BC: Finish this sentence: I’m most anxious when…
HG: Driving in the snow. Or when my husband leaves drawers in the kitchen slightly open.

BC: Name one of your top professional goals.
HG: To be a successful business owner with a well-known private practice.

BC: Name one of your top personal goals.
HG: To continue running marathons and to break my half-marathon PR.

BC: What is one question you often get in regards to nutrition and dietetics?
HG: People ask me how I eat. They also ask if I am judging what’s in their basket at the grocery store. But most of the time I am not thinking about that at all.

BC: Who is your favorite person (s) to cook with? Why?
HG: I would actually say my husband because we’re so different and he keeps things light and fun. We always end up laughing and having a good time.

BC: What is the thing that you are most proud of that you have accomplished in the past 6 years?
HG: I would say not only becoming a Registered Dietitian, but following my dream of starting my own business. It’s scary because you really have to put yourself out there and ignore all the “what ifs”. You just have to go for it, keep a positive attitude and know it’s all going to be worth it.

Professional webpage: http://inspirdnutrition.com/
Business Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/inspirdnutrition?fref=ts
Blog: http://www.cookinguncorkedblog.com/
Blog Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CookingUncorked
Twitter name: @inspirdnutr

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